Introducing!. . . Senegalese stadium wrestling in Dakar.
I can't tell you how big wrestling is in Senegal. Light poles and walls of buildings, along with the the windows of buses and personal cars sport broadsheets announcing a wrestling event or promoting particular wrestlers. During our time in Senegal, we were able to see two wrestling events. This one was held at a stadium in the city and was dedicated to the issue of parity, or equality, for women. It was later televised and a couple members of our tour group reported seeing us in the audience on T.V. Incidentally, when we, the toubabs from America, entered the stadium to find our seats, we understood some of the words on the loudspeaker, which seemed to be announcing our arrival as guests.
I can't tell you how big wrestling is in Senegal. Light poles and walls of buildings, along with the the windows of buses and personal cars sport broadsheets announcing a wrestling event or promoting particular wrestlers. During our time in Senegal, we were able to see two wrestling events. This one was held at a stadium in the city and was dedicated to the issue of parity, or equality, for women. It was later televised and a couple members of our tour group reported seeing us in the audience on T.V. Incidentally, when we, the toubabs from America, entered the stadium to find our seats, we understood some of the words on the loudspeaker, which seemed to be announcing our arrival as guests.
The other wrestling match we saw was quite different. It took place in a village in Toubacouta. It was held in a small town square with a circle of plastic chairs surrounding a dirt patch, which was cleared of rocks and sticks by the youngest of the boys present. It was dark, and the power went out several times, so photos and videos of the action were of poor quality. Instead of the single match at a time spectacle we'd seen at the stadium in Dakar, the village wrestling matches had us watching three to four pairs of wrestlers at a time. It went very late, so only the young, strong, and brave stayed to the end. As a treat, they were asked to present the awards to the winners. I don't remember what they said all of the prizes were, except for the bag of rice.
A match:
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